" The council voted 5-0 to authorize the city to. At that meeting, the City Council elected the “Clean” Tier as the default tierCity Council 805-517-6222. Moorpark's current population of approximately 35,000 residents, an 18,000 sq. The Moorpark City Council took the first step Wednesday night to allow some industrial hemp businesses in the city, including testing laboratories and CBD retailers. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL . -. Nov. ATTACHMENT: Request from Moorpark Little League . Moorpark, CA 93021 Ph: 805-517-6200 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a. Consider Agreement to Participate in NPDES Permit Monitoring Program with Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California. m. The City Council's adopted procedure for appointments (Policy 2. Submit Feedback About LACity. 2020-3977 (Adopting Fees for Small Wireless Facility Permits within the City's Right-of-Way); and WHEREAS, the City Council is not changing any fees or service charges at this time. That same son now plays Field Hockey here in Moorpark and Tom can be seen at the fields from time to time supporting him still. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Item: 8. Moorpark Community Center. Type of Statement: D. Total Wages. City Council Administrative staff is available at: 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Community Development 805-517-6289. Public Official Appointments ; City Council Appointments; City Council Standing Committees . Moorpark Community Center. FROM: Mayor Parvin and Councilmember Mikos . Information regarding the change in local assessmenta resolution of the city council of the city of moorpark, california, calling and giving notice of the holding of a general municipal election to be held on tuesday, november 8, 2016, for the election of certain officers of the city as required by the provisions of the laws of the state of california relating to general law cities; andFor FY 2022/23, the estimated tax proceeds appropriated by the Moorpark City Council are significantly under the limit established by the GANN Initiative. City Council Agendas; Contact Us; Other Agendas & Annotated Agendas. Project Planner Doug Spondello Deputy Community Development Director (805) 517-6251 [email protected]. A. Flex your artistic and DIY muscles with a new project every month. In becoming a city in 1983, Moorpark inherited a substantialRFP on June 24, 2019. City of Moorpark 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, CA 93021 Dear Mayor Parvin and Council Members: The Conejo Valley YMCA Youth and Government Delegation for the 2014 - 201 5 school year is requesting your permission to use the Apricot Room on Tuesday, November 18, 2014, for its annual Bill Hearing Night event. In the 25 years I've known him I've watched him grow his own successful business. $94,497. 1 Create a City Mobile App (2022) 2. - 1:00 p. On November 8, 1988, the voters of Moorpark adopted Measure D which1:15. Access meetings virtually using the URL posted on each meeting agenda. The Moorpark City Council is now accepting applications for the City's appointment to the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC). Before Moorpark's temporary ban expires, the City Council could extend it for another 10 months and 15 days at the council's Jan. City Council . At the same meeting, the City Council , also adopted two new Smart City objectives to “Develop a list of potential Smart City items to assist with sustainable business retention for City Council consideration” and toThe Moorpark Planning Commission is recommending the City Council approve a 69-unit condominium project. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CITY'S LANDSCAPE STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES BY ADDING SECTION 12. guidance and are subject to final approval of the Moorpark City Council. he City Council T appropriated $18,900 for the market study on February 17, 2021, and approved an Agreement with Magellan to complete the Market Study. 2019-01 for the Proposed Tract, Master Planning and Development of 755 Residential Units, Approximately 29 Acres of Open Space, a 7-Acre Public Park and 7-Acre Passive. m. Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 449-2121. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK ("SUCCESSOR AGENCY") REGULAR MEETING ANNOTATED AGENDA MAY 17, 2023 6:30 PM. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2016, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS OF. 16. The City Manager’s recommended budget for the City of Moorpark and the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Moorpark for the fiscal year 2018/2019 will be presented to the City Council at the May 16, 2018 Council meeting. 6:00 PM. Parks, Recreation & Community Services 805-517-6227. On June 6, 2022, the City Council approved a new Agreement with VCAS to reflect the recent changes in the County’s Ordinance and authorized the City Manager. gov 4. About $82,500 has been reserved in Moorpark’s. For more. In Moorpark's District 1 City Council race — the council's only competitive seat in the Nov. It is recommended the City Council receive the recommended Operating and Capital. $94,497. Honorable City Council 05/18/2022 Regular Meeting Page 2 The purpose of the Drought Response Task Force is to foster a unified and organized drought response by providing local jurisdictions with a platform for coordination and collaboration, timely drought related updates, access to resources, and opportunities for idea sharing. 08. Continue the item to the July 19, 2023, City Council meeting. 1 to the Agreement between the City of Moorpark and Moorpark Soccer Club, Inc. Browse information about the City Hall. Phone: 805-517-6222. - 1:00 p. Five names will appear on the November ballot for three seats on the Moorpark City Council. Pursuant to Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20 et seq. 2020-3945 . SUBJECT: Consider Agreement with Turnkey Construction and Solar Inc dba TurnKey Energy for Electric Vehicle Chargers at Arroyo. 2 [9. AD84-2, AD01-1, AD012, AD01- -3, AD04-01,. City Council. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK ("SUCCESSOR AGENCY") REGULAR MEETING ANNOTATED AGENDA JUNE 01, 2022 6:30 PM. y· David Moe, Economic Development & Housing Manager 11 (j Prepared by: John Brand, Senior Management Analyst ~ April 9, 2015 (CC Meeting of April 15, 2015) SUBJECT: Consider Animal Services Agreement Between City of Moorpark and the County of. Moorpark Community Center. 6 million to be a new interim City Hall. for On-Call and Emergency. Come to the Library and pick up your kit to take with you and make whenever you like! New kit every month while supplies last. This section contains a brief overview of the project, including the City’s reasons for initiating the study. The Moorpark City Council Wednesday night adopted a 45-day urgency ordinance banning new retail chain stores on High Street to maintain "the unique rural character of downtown. SUMMARY. Schedule and Programming. _____ Chris R. No public testimony will be taken at the meeting of June 7, 2023. WHEREAS, on February 2, 2011, the City Council of the City of Moorpark adopted. OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK ("SUCCESSOR AGENCY") REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. View the current year and prior year Agendas and Annotated Agendas for City Council Standing Committees, Teen Council, and Special Not Televised City Council and Successor Agencies. Developers Los Angeles Avenue LLC and PEGH. Honorable City Council 04/07/2021 Regular Meeting Page 2 DISCUSSION Report of Results – Highlights from 2020 Community Livability Survey: Quality of Life: Overall quality of life in Moorpark: 88% excellent or good Moorpark as a place to live: 92% excellent or good Recommend living in Moorpark to someone who asks: 95% very or somewhat likelyThe Moorpark City Council last week authorized closing escrow to buy a building for $6. Directions. Only one of the races, however — District 1 — is competitive. Moorpark Community Center. The mayor and four City Councilmembers are elected at-large to serve a two-year term and four-year staggered terms, respectively. Discover the programs and services offered by the Moorpark City Library. Third time was the charm for commercial real estate broker Ken Simons, who was elected to Moorpark City Council on Tuesday along with longtime council incumbent Roseann Mikos. Committee Informationthe City of Moorpark and the County of Ventura for Fiscal Year 2023/ 24 . City: Moorpark. 799 Moorpark Avenue. 5 of Part 1, of Division 2, of Title 5, commencing at Section 53311 of the GovernmentMOORPARK CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK ("SUCCESSOR AGENCY") REGULAR MEETING ANNOTATED AGENDA FEBRUARY 01, 2023 6:30 PM. 263 (effective November 5, 1999), approving a Development Agreement between the City of Moorpark and Fountainwood Agoura (Morrison-Fountainwood-Agoura). Walk-in Service. Newcomer Renee Delgado, a real estate broker, won the District 1 seat — the city's only competitive race. 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Previous Archives. 06:30 PM. " The decision. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL . - 4:00 p. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL . 799 Moorpark Avenue. Learn about the City's housing programs. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT Honorable City Council f1) 1 Jessica Sandifer, Program Manag~ June 24, 2016 (City Council Meeting of July 6, 2016) ITEM 10. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the book of original. Pursuant to Assembly Bill 361, City Councilmembers may be participating via teleconference and/or video conference. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Moorpark (hereinafter referred to as the "City Council"), in the State of California, did, pursuant to the terms and provisions of Chapter 2. 799 Moorpark Ave. Parvin, Mayor Dr. and City Council Resolution No. “I like the direction Moorpark has been headed in, and I want to make sure we stay the course. Visit our virtual counter online! Departments. m. Phone: 805-517-6222. Dr. 3 Comprehensive website update (2023) 2. Department: City Council. 2020-3902 authorizing the submittal of an initial grant application and approving subsequent agreements and renewal applications through FY 2023/24. June 10, 2022 Moorpark As published in VC Star The Moorpark Planning Commission has recommended that the City Council approve a proposed 755-unit. Concerned by a skyrocketing rise in noise complaints from city residents, the Moorpark City Council has adopted a new ordinance that it hopes will help quiet city streets. 401 likes · 14 talking about this. Moorpark, CA 93021 Ph: 805-517-6200 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a. City Council meets two Mondays a month at 6:00 p. Learn more. Antonio Castro was elected to represent District 4, and Daniel Groff was elected to represent District 2. m. Visit our virtual counter online! Departments. Forms & Applications. - If this urgency ordinance is adopted, City staff will take other necessary actions required by state law to permit the City Council to extend that moratorium for another 10 months and 15 days at its October 6, 2021, City Council meeting and to begin the preparation of permanent regulations during theMOORPARK CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK ("SUCCESSOR AGENCY") REGULAR MEETING ANNOTATED AGENDA JANUARY 18, 2023 6:30 PM. 212 likes · 1 talking about this. to 6 p. Eight years after the Moorpark City Council unanimously approved the construction of an immense movie studio in town, ground has yet to be broken. City: Moorpark. Carrillo, Associate Planner ll DATE: 07/27/2021 Regular Meeting SUBJECT: Consider a Resolution Recommending That the City Council Approve a Request to Amend the Terms of a Development Agreement Related to a Previously. 799 MOORPARK AVENUE, MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA . Moorpark Community Center. City Council — City of Moorpark. For more. A New Generation Of Leadership. Physical Address: Moorpark, CA 93021. The City Council finds that each fact set forth in the preceding recitals are true and correct. Atmore and Sons, Inc. ” Tom Means Moorpark City Council - District 32. The Moorpark Quality of Life is reflected in its welcoming small town feel with easy access to essential amenities and services. The applications were approved by the City Council on July 7, 2010. SUBJECT: Consider Agreements with Hahn Contractors, Inc. All items listed are heard and acted upon by the. $32,995. SECTION 2. Email. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. m. 2010-2929, a tie vote shall. m. AGENDA REPORT . The Mayor is elected at large to serve a two-year term. All items listed are heard and acted upon by the Moorpark City. Total Retirement & Health Contribution. This city does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan. 799 Moorpark Avenue. m. Posted: Sept. m. N. Home Event Moorpark City Council. On October 6, 2021, the City Council adopted an ordinance extending the moratorium to August 31, 2022. DATE: March 13, 2018 (CC Meeting of 3/21/2018) SUBJECT: Consider Concerns Expressed About Moorpark Highlands Community Facilities District 2004-1 Special Tax for Police ServicesThe Moorpark City Council's Dec. m. percentage change in population for the City of Moorpark is 0. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable City Council FROM: Jeremy Laurentowski, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: 10/21/2020 Regular Meeting. m. Members of the public who want to participate in the meeting may do so in person or may participate electronically, either via Zoom or Zoom call-in, or via email. Moorpark; City Council; Department Detail. FROM: Jessica Sandifer, Community Services Manager . Honorable City Council 01/05/ 2022 Regular Meeting Page 2 48 reviewed during the Development Review Committee (DRC) and permit review process. 09/03/2014 Camarillo, CA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Moorpark is hereby called to be held on Thursday, May 9, 2019, commencing at 8:30 a. COUNCIL GOAL. m. At this time, the draft agement is not yet are vailable but will be brought forward to the City Council for future consideration. The City Council Wednesday night unanimously introduced an ordinance to do so. Department: City Council. “I had no expectations going into it,” Enegren said. The Moorpark City Council tonight will consider revising the city's municipal code in an attempt to alleviate chronic crowding problems, particularly in the city's downtown area. Antonio. City’s Moorpark Public Services Facility located at 627 Fitch Avenue for a storage payment fee in the amount of One Dollar ($1. Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Advisory Committee. 5. 00% will require City Council approval. , a corporation (“Consultant”). Antonio Councilmember, District 4. The commission made its recommendation last week on a 3-1 vote. City Council Standing Committees 9. Year: Department Employees. The report is based on the City’s audited financial records for fiscal year (FY) 2020/21 and the adopted budget for FY 2021/22. m. 8-37632019- 201 3851 . This city does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan. Consider Approval of Investment Policy and Resolution Establishing the City of Moorpark’s Investment Policy for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/24 and Rescinding Resolution No. A New Generation Of Leadership. Members of the public who. m. The City Council of the City of Moorpark will conduct a public hearing in accordance with Government Code Sections 6062a, 66016, and 66018, to consider updates to staff billing rates that are charged against City fees. Verification AREA CODE/PHONE AREA CODE/PHONE 2. Due to the benefits of participating, staff recommends the City of Moorpark register and opt into the national settlement to meet the deadline of January 2, 2022nce .